Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Progress! Sweet, sweet progress!

Oh yes - this very morning (or early afternoon; it's all the same to me) I finally sat down on my newly cleaned blue carpet, opened up my computer, and wrote two whole pages of rewritten play. TWO PAGES. Considering that I've written four pages in the past month or so, two pages in one morning (or early afternoon) is a very big deal. I'm ridiculously excited. I have decided to celebrate by eating lots of things and watching some Scrubs episodes. Then it'll probably be back to the rewrites for me - progress is great and all, but considering that the previous 5 drafts (which grew out of the 4 versions of Act Two and 3.75 versions of Act One) were each about 90 pages long, I've still got some serious writing ahead of me. I'm so glad to actually be getting something done again!

In other news, I'm rapidly losing my grip on grammar. I particularly can't seem to remember. How to use punctuation; My best guess is this is because I've quit writing for grammatical correctness and started writing for colloquialism and rhythm. Everything, must have a price: I suppose.

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